Yes, you have come to the right place. One lucky reader will win a book that belongs with David Sedaris's Holidays on Ice. Another might win a Kindle Fire. But first a little holiday tale...
When is it going to be my turn? What am I going to get?
She was like a five year old instead of a thirty-something dance teacher at the annual holiday party thrown by the studio owner.
The grab-bag thing made her a little nervous. Especially with the $5 limit. As a group of dancer/dance teachers, however, their average individual income was about $87/year, and cheap gifts were the only option.
She had put in a Starbucks gift card. Lazy perhaps, but who didn't love going into Bucky's knowing they could get a day's calories worth of coffee for free? She hoped for a Starbucks card or some lovely product from Bath and Body Works.
Finally it was her turn. She picked up a rectangular box. What was it? All eyes were on her.
Her face fell.
Frango Mints. Frango effing mints. She tried to smile sweetly insteady of like an ungrateful bitch child.
Anyone who knew her knew she'd rather eat chocolate covered hair (yes, that kind) than chocolate and mint. She threw up in her mouth a little.
And she had made the gift giver feel bad. She tried to smooth things over with an "Oh they're lovely, I just don't care for mint and chocolate."
Can we say awkward?
Can we say awkward?
Holiday gifts should not produce years of bad memories and uncomfortable meetings, nor should they EVER make one's hors d'oeuvres go in retrograde.
And in that spirit, nineteen of your favorite mom humor bloggers (Including me!) had a meeting and all agreed.
There's a brand new book you NEED to read this holiday season.
The title says it all.
And in that spirit, nineteen of your favorite mom humor bloggers (Including me!) had a meeting and all agreed.
There's a brand new book you NEED to read this holiday season.
The title says it all.

Spending The Holidays With People I Want To Punch In The Throat is a heartwarming (yes, really!) collection of hilarious holiday-themed personal stories and observations written by none other than Jen of the well-known blog People I Want To Punch In The Throat. If the holidays have you stressing about gift giving, cookie decorating, or where in the world to put your Elf on the Shelf, then you need to take a mommy time out and read a chapter or two. And now you can have a chance to peruse the pages for free. Consider it our holiday gift to you. We are teaming up to give away 19 copies of the book. All you have to do is enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win an AUTOGRAPHED copy! We promise that it is both endearing and hilarious, but you don't have to take our word for it. You can see for yourself. Several of us recorded videos of our favorite parts. Here is mine. (Warning: Strong Language)
See? Told you. Now you want your own copy right? Well, Jen generously donated an autographed copy to every blogger participating in this giveaway so that we could increase your chances to win. You can enter using the Rafflecopter below. This giveaway is open to US residents only. "But wait, that's not all!" we say in our best Price is Right announcer voice. We couldn't get a bunch of tech-savvy moms together for a book giveaway and not bring you an eReader, right? So we are also giving away a Kindle Fire!

Love the framed pic of the Elf in the background of your video. And next time you get mints for Xmas, send them my way. I'll trade you my Starbucks card any time for chocolate and mint. Happy Holidays!