Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mother to Son on his 4th Birthday!

Jump for joy!  I'm finally 4!

It's those sparkling eyes.
The great smile.
That confident voice
Your big laugh.
Just because you're ours.

You want to be friends with everyone.
To tell them things.
To run and play and build and wrestle.
To imagine new worlds.
To be in the center of everything.

My budding artist.
Architect, mover, creator.
So much drama!
Tear it into shreds if it's not right!
What an artistic temperament!

So much you want to accomplish and to master.
Hit home runs.
Ride a bike.
Do pirouettes and leaps like Mommy.
Right now!  Forget this growing up stuff!

Please don't rush.
Enjoy being a kid.
Enjoy being our little guy.

You are growing up,
away from the baby you were.
Away from that unsteady toddler.
You are a boy --
loving Spiderman, firemen, Pirates and now, enter Batman!
What next?

When we walk down the street
having conversations like old friends
it's sunshine in my heart.

I can't wait for more.

I love you always,
my sweet Thanksgiving boy.

Happy Birthday 4th birthday, my little man.
Happy Birthday.


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